Effect of LEDs with Different Wavelengths on the Microhardness and Nanohardness of Nanohybrid Composite Resins
Jesuína L N Araújo, Cristiane de Melo Alencar, Gabriela M Barbosa, Cecy M Silva, Míriam L Turbino
Citation Information :
Araújo JL, Alencar CD, Barbosa GM, Silva CM, Turbino ML. Effect of LEDs with Different Wavelengths on the Microhardness and Nanohardness of Nanohybrid Composite Resins. J Contemp Dent Pract 2021; 22 (2):122-127.
Aim: The aim of this study is to compare the effectiveness of polymerization of nanohybrid composite resins with different colors and thicknesses, photocured by units of different wavelengths through Knoop microhardness (KHN) and Berkovich nanohardness (DUH).
Materials and methods: One hundred twenty specimens of Tetric N-Ceram (Ivoclar/Vivadent) were divided into groups (n = 5) according to the experimental test, the color of the composite resin (A2 and Bleach-M/BM), the light source: monowave (Elipar™ FreeLight DeepCure-3M/ESPE), dental products—1200 mW/cm²/15 seconds (FL); or polywave (Bluephase-Ivoclar/Vivadent 1200 mW/cm²/15 and 30 seconds (BP), and thickness (irradiated surface,1, 2, and 3 mm). The specimens were stored dry for 24 hours at 37°C and received five indentations on the top and button surfaces. Analysis of variance (ANOVA), Tukey, and Pearson correlation (p < 0.01%) tests were used.
Results: A direct correlation was found between KHN and DUH. The higher values of KHN and DUH were observed with Elipar™ FreeLight DeepCure unit in irradiated surface and 1-mm-thick specimens at A2 color.
Conclusion: That Elipar™ FreeLight DeepCure unit showed better effectiveness in curing nanohybrid composite resins, used in this work, in different colors and depths as compared to Bluephase in both experimental tests, and that DUH can substitute KHN test when comparing the effectiveness of polymerization.
Clinical significance: The evaluation of the mechanical properties of composite resins is essential to verify their possible clinical performance.
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