Comparison between Mineral Trioxide Aggregate Mixed with Water and Water-based Gel Regarding Shear Bond Strength with Resin-modified Glass Ionomer Cement and Composite
Rudra Kaul, Sukhbir Kour, Neelu Kumari
Keywords :
Mineral trioxide aggregate, Shear bond strength, Water-based gel
Aim and objective: To compare between mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) mixed with water and water-based gel regarding shear bond strength with resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RMGIC) and composite. Methods and materials: In this study, 40 blocks of cylindrical shape were prepared with acrylic. These blocks were divided into four groups with each group consisting of 10 blocks: group-1A: MTA + distilled water + composite, group-1B: MTA + distilled water + RMGIC, group-2A: MTA + polymer + composite, and group-2B: RMGIC + MTA + polymer. After that, a universal testing machine was used for the measurement of shear bond strength. The acrylic blocks were placed under this machine. A blade with a knife-edge was used to provide a crosshead speed of 1 mm/minute. This was continued till bond of MTA in both forms (distilled water/gel) and restorative material failed. Results: It was observed that a statistically significant difference was found between MTAw + composite and MTAg + composite resin but no statistically significant difference between MTAw + RMGIC and MTAg + RMGIC with p . 0.05. It was found that a statistically significant difference was present between the RMGIC and composite groups within the same MTA type with p . 0.05. Conclusion: It was concluded from the present study that MTA with a water-based gel has a better shear bond strength than composite resin and RMGIC materials. Clinical significance: It has been found that MTA has different properties when it is mixed with polymer and water. Very few studies have been conducted in the past to compare MTA mixed with water and water-based gel regarding the shear bond strength with RMGIC and composite.
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