Intentional Replantation of a Second Premolar with Internal Resorption and Root Fracture: A Case Report
Yang Yang, Bo Zhang, Chunpeng Huang, Rui Ye
Citation Information :
Yang Y, Zhang B, Huang C, Ye R. Intentional Replantation of a Second Premolar with Internal Resorption and Root Fracture: A Case Report. J Contemp Dent Pract 2021; 22 (5):562-567.
Aim: This case aims to detail intentional replantation as a last resort to save an otherwise hopeless premolar with perforated internal resorption and root fracture.
Background: Internal root resorption, progressive destruction of intraradicular dentin, is a condition that sometimes renders a tooth non-restorable. In the rare cases reported where severe internal resorption leads to root fracture, extraction of the tooth seemed to be a common treatment of choice, and a few literatures had reported endodontic surgery as an alternative treatment option. To date, there had been no report of treating internal root resorption using intentional replantation.
Case description: A 20-year-old male presented swelling at the buccal region of his left maxillary second premolar (#13). Clinical examination revealed a sinus tract and fractured dens evaginatus at the occlusal surface of the tooth. Radiographically, a large area of radiolucency was detected within the middle third of the root, where root fracture was present, leaving a triangular-shaped mature root apex. The condition was diagnosed as internal root resorption and root fracture. Endodontic surgery was excluded from treatment choices due to potential damage of periodontal bone. Instead, intentional replantation was performed, with the application of biomaterials including mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF). The tooth achieved satisfactory healing and remained asymptomatic after 2 years of follow-up.
Conclusion: The successful outcome of the case suggests that intentional replantation could preserve a fractured tooth caused by internal root resorption. Incorporated application of biomaterials, such as MTA and L-PRF, might as well improve the chances of saving this otherwise hopeless tooth.
Clinical significance: Through careful planning and execution, intentional replantation is a viable alternative treatment option to preserve a fractured tooth caused by internal root resorption, while leaving periodontal bone architecture almost intact.
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