Effect of Occlusal Splints on Posture Balance in Patients with Temporomandibular Joint Disorder: A Prospective Study
Amine el Zoghbi, Mohamad Halimi, Joseph Hobeiche, Camille Haddad
Keywords :
Occlusal splint, Posture, Study type other, Temporomandibular disorders, Temporomandibular joints
Citation Information :
el Zoghbi A, Halimi M, Hobeiche J, Haddad C. Effect of Occlusal Splints on Posture Balance in Patients with Temporomandibular Joint Disorder: A Prospective Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2021; 22 (6):615-619.
Aim and objective: Force platforms are widely used to evaluate the relationship between bodily posture and jaw positions. The aim and objective of this clinical prospective study was to evaluate the effect of occlusal splints on bodily posture using force platforms.
Materials and methods: Forty-seven female patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) underwent a clinical and postural examination before and during an occlusal treatment with an upper splint. Six postural stabilometric examinations were performed under different visual conditions. Postural stability was assessed using a force platform (SATEL). Subjects were evaluated in static and dynamic conditions, with open and closed eyes, at baseline, at 1 week, and at 3 months. Changes in stabilometric parameters (sway area and sway length) were assessed and compared.
Results: In static and dynamic positions, the sway surface area decreased significantly after the occlusal guard placement with closed eyes (p-value, 0.012). Likewise, the sway surface area decreased significantly in the dynamic lateral position with closed eyes (p-value, 0.018) and in anteroposterior dynamic position with open eyes (p-value, 0.031). The mean sway length decreased significantly after the placement of the occlusal guard when participants were in the lateral position with open eyes (p-value, 0.025) and in the anteroposterior position with open eyes (p-value, 0.014). On a 3-month assessment, the mean surface and mean length decreased significantly after the placement of the occlusal guard for practically all the static and dynamic positions.
Conclusion: The sway surface area and sway length decreased significantly with the use of occlusal splints
Clinical significance: In female patients with TMD, the use of an occlusal splint is associated with a postural improvement evaluated by posturo-stabilometric tests.
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