Clinical and Radiographical Measurements of Supraeruption and Occlusal Interferences in Unopposed Posterior Teeth
Amit Porwal, Mohammed A Qahhar, Feras A Al Qatarneh, Seham A Areeshi, Mohammad BF Aldossary
Citation Information :
Porwal A, Qahhar MA, Al Qatarneh FA, Areeshi SA, Aldossary MB. Clinical and Radiographical Measurements of Supraeruption and Occlusal Interferences in Unopposed Posterior Teeth. J Contemp Dent Pract 2021; 22 (7):784-792.
Aims and objectives: This study compared the supraeruption of teeth for study casts (SCs) and panoramic radiographs (PRs) and its relation to tooth type, arch, facial sides, presence of occlusal interferences, and type of tooth movements.
Materials and methods: A total of 65 patients with their SCs and PRs were recruited. Supraerupted tooth type, arches, sides involved, and the presence of occlusal interferences were recorded. The SCs for supraerupted teeth were photographed, and supraeruption from PRs was recorded from the patients’ files. The values were transferred to a software program and assessed.
Results: The highest frequency was observed among the younger-age group and molars in both arches. Working side (WS) and retruded cuspal position (RCP) interferences were recorded the highest. Supraeruption values of 0.7–1.2 mm accounted for 47.5% (38) of the total. Tilting and tipping of teeth were the highest, followed by buccolingual displacement. Kappa tests showed good intraexaminer reliability and Bland–Altman plot showed 95% confidence interval band.
Conclusions: No significant differences were observed in the supraeruption values between the type of tooth among different subgroups of SCs and PRs. Significant differences were recorded between the types and sites of teeth, with a higher ratio observed in molar teeth, mandibular arch, and young age group. RCP and WS were the most recorded occlusal interferences and buccolingual displacement, and tilting and tipping were the most noticeable occlusal tooth movements.
Clinical significance: Diagnosis and measurements of supraeruption are essential, useful, and significant steps before treatments for replacement of missing tooth/teeth as well as corrections of occlusal interferences during different mandibular movements.
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