Factors Associated with Participation in Research Activities among Oral Health Providers in Jazan, Saudi Arabia: A Cross-sectional Study
Mosa A Shubayr, Estie Kruger, Marc Tennant
Citation Information :
Shubayr MA, Kruger E, Tennant M. Factors Associated with Participation in Research Activities among Oral Health Providers in Jazan, Saudi Arabia: A Cross-sectional Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2021; 22 (7):805-811.
Aims and objectives: This study aimed at quantifying participation in dental research–related activities reported by the Saudi Ministry of Health-associated oral healthcare providers in Jazan and to investigate its association with sociodemographic and professional characteristics, as well as practitioners’ perceptions of the Research and Development (R&D) index.
Materials and methods: An online cross-sectional questionnaire was sent to oral health providers in Jazan using a convenience sampling technique. The questionnaire collected data on demographic characteristics and the 16 items of the R&D index. One-way ANOVA and t-tests were used to establish factors associated with R&D index scores. Multiple regression analyses with adjusted effects were conducted to identify the significant predictors for the factors associated with participation in dental research.
Results: In total, 113 study participants completed the questionnaire with a response rate of 56.5%. Just over half (53.1%) of the participants were working in primary healthcare centers, and 46.9% were working in hospitals. Most of the study samples were dentists (92.0%), while a small percentage were dental hygienists (4.4%) and assistants (3.4%). The sample's participation in dental research was low with a mean of 3.57 (standard deviation = 3.69). The R&D support (p<0.001) and intentions (p = 0.050) significantly predicted the providers’ participation in dental research.
Conclusion: The current study found that R&D support and intention significantly predicted the providers’ participation in dental research. Hence, it is recommended that comprehensive educational and training programs on dental research be developed that focus on the increase and implement it in their practice.
Clinical significance: This study provides insights into factors and obstacles that influence dental research, which may be useful for future investigations.
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