Edentulousness affects the mental health of most patients. Missing teeth in the anterior esthetic zones is a matter of concern, especially for young adults. Various replacement options such as fixed partial dentures, removable partial dentures, and dental implants are available to treat edentulousness. Dental implants have been a booming treatment option in modern-day dentistry as they more closely mimic the natural tooth. The most important criterion for placement of the implant in the esthetic zone is the conservation of alveolar bone, especially in the anterior region which is usually compromised due to tooth extraction or resorption of the ridge. The root membrane concept or the socket shield technique is a recently introduced concept in implant dentistry where a portion of the root acts as a shield to protect against alveolar bone resorption and maintain bone integrity, especially in the esthetic area. This case report describes the clinical management of fractured upper anterior teeth using a dental implant and the root membrane technique.
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