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VOLUME 23 , ISSUE 10 ( October, 2022 ) > List of Articles


Rehabilitation of Patients with Compromised Ridge Support Using Immediately Loaded Corticobasal Implant-supported Prostheses: A Prospective Observational Study

Nadia Khalifa, Asim Satti, Ahmed Mohamed Suliman

Keywords : Compromised ridge support, Corticobasal implant, Fixed implant-supported prosthesis, Immediate loading

Citation Information : Khalifa N, Satti A, Suliman AM. Rehabilitation of Patients with Compromised Ridge Support Using Immediately Loaded Corticobasal Implant-supported Prostheses: A Prospective Observational Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2022; 23 (10):971-978.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10024-3416

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 07-03-2023

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2022; The Author(s).


Aim: The aim of this prospective study is to evaluate the treatment outcomes and patient satisfaction following the use of fixed immediately loaded corticobasal implant-supported prostheses. Materials and methods: One hundred and seventy-four corticobasal implants (basal cortical screw, BCS implant design) were inserted in 20 consecutive patients with compromised ridge support. Implant survival and success were assessed using the James–Misch implant health quality scale and the Albrektsson criteria for implant success. The peri-implant health was evaluated at 1 week and 3, 6, 9, 12, and 18 months postoperatively. Moreover, the radiographic and prosthetic parameters and patient satisfaction were assessed. Results: The implants showed optimum implant health and a 100% survival rate with none (0%) of the implants failing, mobile, lost, or fractured. Using Wilcoxon signed-rank test, significant decreases in both the modified gingival indexes and the probable pocket depth (PPD) and slight significant increases in the plaque index (PI) at 3, 9, 12, and 18 months and a nonsignificant increase at 6-month follow-up were reported with a range of 0–1. The calculus index (CI) was zero at all follow-up visits. Radiographic evaluations revealed increases in the bone-to-implant contact. Evaluation of the prostheses showed some treatable complications, and all the patients were satisfied. Conclusion: The use of corticobasal implant-supported prosthesis meets the patient's demand for an immediate, fixed treatment modality, with high survival and success rates, optimum peri-implant soft tissue health, and high reported satisfaction. Clinical significance: Corticobasal implants can improve the patient's esthetic, phonetic, mastication, and quality of life with the advantage of eliminating the need of bone grafting procedures.

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