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Fehlhofer J, Fernandez-Ulrich C, Wohlers A, Kesting MR, Rau A, Buchbender M. A Retrospective Analysis of Postoperative Abscess Formation Following Wisdom Tooth Removal and Their Clinical Condition and Localization. J Contemp Dent Pract 2022; 23 (11):1079-1084.
Aim: As a common procedure in oral surgery, the removal of wisdom teeth (3M) is associated with a variety of postoperative complications. This study reports of deep tissue abscesses after the removal of 3M in correlation to several factors.
Materials and methods: Patients between 2012 and 2017 with removed 3M were retrospectively evaluated in terms of clinical condition and localization and thus assigned tog A (removal of asymptomatic 3M) or group B (removal of symptomatic 3M). Moreover, they were analyzed in terms of abscesses after the removal and correlation with various parameters: localization of the abscess, general diseases, perioperative antibiotic treatment, number of days from removal of the tooth to abscess formation, and postoperative complications after primary abscess incision.
Results: About 82 patients (male n = 44, female n = 38) were included, with 88 wisdom teeth removed and postoperative abscesses. Postoperative abscesses occurred more frequently in group B (n = 53) with n = 29 in IIB localization, without a significant correlation. Patients in this group were older, and there were more surgical abscess incisions needed, despite a longer treatment with oral and intravenous antibiosis that correlated with neurologic diseases and age. Younger patients reported significantly more pain.
Conclusions: Detection of potential 3M pathologies at an early and asymptomatic stage is essential to avoid postoperative complications following 3M removal. Additional prospective studies are necessary to develop corresponding guidelines.
Clinical significance: Wisdom tooth extraction is the most common operation in oral surgery, and therefore, adequate risk evaluation is still required.
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