The Effectiveness of Different Irrigation Techniques on Debris and Smear Layer Removal in Primary Mandibular Second Molars: An In Vitro Study
Claire El Hachem, Walid Nehme, Marc Krikor Kaloustian, Nabil Ghosn, Maha Daou, Carla Zogheib, Mia Karam, Rami Mhanna, Valentina Macaluso, Jean Claude Abou Chedid
Citation Information :
Hachem CE, Nehme W, Kaloustian MK, Ghosn N, Daou M, Zogheib C, Karam M, Mhanna R, Macaluso V, Chedid JC. The Effectiveness of Different Irrigation Techniques on Debris and Smear Layer Removal in Primary Mandibular Second Molars: An In Vitro Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2022; 23 (11):1173-1179.
Aims: The aim of the present in vitro study was to compare the effectiveness of passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI), sonic irrigation, and mechanic dynamic activation on the removal of debris and smear layer from primary mandibular second molars during pulpectomy.
Materials and methods: Mesial roots of 48 primary mandibular second molars were prepared with an R-motion 21 mm file (30/0.04) (FKG Dentaire SA, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland), irrigated with 1% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), and divided into four groups (n = 24 canals) according to the final irrigation activation technique: control group without activation, PUI with Ultra-X (Eighteeth, Changzhou, China), mechanical activation with XP-endo Finisher (FKG), and sonic irrigation with EQ-S (Meta Biomed, Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea). The roots were split longitudinally and analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The presence of debris and smear layer was assessed using a 5-grade scoring scale with 200× and 1000× magnification, respectively. The Kruskal–Wallis and Friedman tests were used for data analysis.
Results: The activation of the irrigant significantly improved debris and smear layer removal (p < 0.001). There was no significant difference between Ultra-X, XP-endo Finisher, and EQ-S (p > 0.05). No activation technique was able to completely eliminate debris and smear layer from the root canals of primary mandibular second molars.
Conclusions: During pediatric pulpectomy, the irrigation protocol must include activation of the irrigation solutions using either ultrasonic, sonic, or mechanical activation techniques to enhance the removal of debris and smear layer for a better prognosis.
Clinical significance: During root canal treatment on primary teeth, the clinician must incorporate an activation technique in the irrigation protocol to enhance the removal of debris and smear layer and increase the success of the treatment.
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