Citation Information :
Trivedi S, Bansal A, Kukreja N, Trivedi A, Chhabra S, Deswal R, Gill P, Jain A. Evaluation of Fracture Resistance of Reattached Fractured Tooth Fragment Stored in Different Storage Media: An In Vitro Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2022; 23 (2):221-225.
Aim: To evaluate the fracture resistance of coronal fractured tooth fragments stored in five different storage media when reattached with nanohybrid flowable composite.
Materials and methods: The crown portion of 50 extracted human permanent maxillary central incisors were divided into three equal parts (incisal third, middle third and cervical third) and then marked incisal third were cut with the diamond disk. These were divided into five equal groups according to the type of storage media used i.e. dry storage, fresh tender coconut water, HBSS, milk, and propolis for 2 hours. Coronal fractured part with their respective apical parts were then reattached with flowable composite (G-aenial Universal Flo, GC India), then after thermocycling process samples were subjected to universal testing machine for testing fracture resistance. The collected data were subjected to statistical analysis using one way ANOVA and Post-hoc Tukey test.
Results: The obtained results revealed that large amount of force is required to fracture the reattached teeth which were stored in milk and fresh tender coconut water as compared to those which were stored in dry environment, HBSS and propolis.
Conclusion: In this study, maximum fracture resistance was seen in teeth stored in milk and fresh tender coconut water. Therefore, these two were considered as better storage media.
Clinical significance: Due to increased interest towards the use of tooth colored restoration, recently, fractured teeth reattachment treatment procedure gaining attention by preserving life like translucency of treated tooth.
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