Comparison between Different Combinations of Alendronate, Platelet-rich Fibrin, Hydroxyapatite in Bone Regeneration in Endodontic Surgeries Using Cone-beam Computed Tomography
Anshdeep Singh, Amit Shah, Nikita Raman, Vikas Ramola, Paras Gupta
Citation Information :
Singh A, Shah A, Raman N, Ramola V, Gupta P. Comparison between Different Combinations of Alendronate, Platelet-rich Fibrin, Hydroxyapatite in Bone Regeneration in Endodontic Surgeries Using Cone-beam Computed Tomography. J Contemp Dent Pract 2022; 23 (3):337-342.
Aim: To compare different combinations of alendronate, platelet-rich fibrin (PRF), and hydroxyapatite in bone regeneration in endodontic surgeries using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT).
Methods and subjects: During this study, 28 patients were selected who were found to have pathology in the periapical area in the anterior region. The study subjects were categorized into four categories, each consisting of seven subjects. Category one—there was no placement of any material; category two—PRF; category three—hydroxyapatite along with PRF; category four—alendronate along with PRF. Root canal treatment followed by endodontic surgery in each patient was carried out. Volumetric analysis of the lesions was carried out before surgery and 12 months after surgery using CBCT. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test and Tukey post-hoc test were used for statistical analysis.
Results: There was a maximum change in the volume of lesions in the study subjects in which PRF was used along with hydroxyapatite in comparison to other combination of materials. There was no significant difference when PRF was placed along with alendronate in comparison to study subjects when PRF was placed alone. The difference was not significant when PRF was placed in defects of bone in comparison to study subjects when no materials were placed in the defects of bone.
Conclusion: It can be concluded from the current research that PRF along with hydroxyapatite is a better option for the healing of defects of bone in surgeries performed in the area around the root apex in endodontic patients. But further studies should be carried out with a large sample size and for a longer duration.
Clinical significance: It is a very important consideration that there should be healing of the lesion after surgery around the root apex by actual bone regeneration. The healing of the larger lesions does not take place easily as compared with the lesions having a small size. This is because there is healing by secondary intention where there is formation of scar instead of actual healing by formation of bone. There are several methods by which proper bone regeneration can be obtained.
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