Evaluation of Remineralization Potential of Remin Pro Forte vs Remin Pro on White Spot Lesions: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Mennatallah Atef Aboulnaga, Mai Mamdouh Akah, Olfat El-Sayed Hassanein
Keywords :
Caries regression, Color improvement, ICDAS II, Post-orthodontic treatment, Remineralization, Remin pro, Remin Pro Forte, VistaCam iX, White spot lesions
Citation Information :
Aboulnaga MA, Akah MM, Hassanein OE. Evaluation of Remineralization Potential of Remin Pro Forte vs Remin Pro on White Spot Lesions: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Contemp Dent Pract 2022; 23 (5):520-526.
Aim: This study was conducted to evaluate the remineralization potential of Remin Pro Forte vs Remin Pro remineralizing agents on white spot lesions (WSLs) post-orthodontic treatment.
Materials and methods: Twenty patients with post-orthodontic WSLs were divided into the following two equal groups based on treatment (n = 10): (1) A 3-month program of hydroxyapatite, fluoride, xylitol, ginger, curcuma-containing cream (Remin Pro Forte) as intervention group; (2) A 3-month cream regimen including hydroxyapatite and fluoride, xylitol (Remin Pro) as control group. The main outcomes including caries regression (assessed by ICDAS II), mineral content (assessed by VistaCam iX camera), and color of WSLs (assessed by digital image analysis by Adobe photoshop) were measured at the time of enrollment and 1, 2, and 3 months afterward. Mann–Whitney test used to compare between tested groups. The statistical significance was set at p <0.05.
Results: Both Remin Pro Forte and Remin Pro elicited much better caries regression and significantly higher mineral content in WSLs over a 3-month period (p <0.05). However, the difference in mineral content of WSLs between groups did not reach statistical significance (p = 0.414). In both experimental groups, the appearance of WSLs improved significantly (p <0.05).
Conclusion: Both Remin Pro Forte and Remin Pro were successful in reducing caries, increasing mineral content, and enhancing the appearance of demineralized enamel, indicating that both products could be suggested for post-orthodontic WSL management.
Clinical significance: Natural herbal products could be employed as remineralizing agents and included into tooth preventive measures. It is a less harmful alternative to traditional chemical remineralization methods.
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