Prevalence and Risk Factors of Dental Trauma in Ha il, Saudi Arabia
Freah Alshammary, Thamer Alhur, Khalid N Alshammari, Ammar A Siddiqui, Khalid S Alghaythi, Muhammad Ilyas, Mohammad K Alam
Keywords :
Children, Dental trauma, Ha il, Prevalence, Risk factors, Saudi Arabia, Traumatic dental injuries
Citation Information :
Alshammary F, Alhur T, Alshammari KN, A Siddiqui A, Alghaythi KS, Ilyas M, Alam MK. Prevalence and Risk Factors of Dental Trauma in Ha il, Saudi Arabia. J Contemp Dent Pract 2022; 23 (6):628-633.
Aim: This study will aid in determining the prevalence and risk factors for dental trauma. This will assist in developing a treatment budget plan, thereby, fend off complications.
Materials and methods: This study was an observational study, having a cross-sectional design, in which information was obtained from 555 participants. Data were obtained using a non-probability convenient sampling technique. A validated questionnaire was used as a study tool. Data were analyzed using the statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS, version 20). Descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Data were displayed as numbers and percentages, and the Chi-squared test was used to measure the association.
Results: Dental trauma was found to be 44% prevalent. Most of the injuries occurred in the 6–9-years age-group (19.1%) and were more common in boys (54.13%) than in girls. The majority of respondents (61%) identified “falls” as the most common cause of dental trauma, and the frequent location for the occurrence of dental injuries was found to be “home” (64.44%). Only 18% of parents reported that their kid's experienced nail-biting concerns, with the majority claimed that their kids never developed oral habits. Most dental injuries occurred during the summer season (48%).
Conclusion: Young aged group and male gender group were more prone to dental injuries; dental injuries along with fall were found as the most common cause of dental trauma, whereas most of the dental traumas were reported to have occurred at home.
Clinical significance: The study evaluated risk factors and the prevalence of dental trauma in the population of Ha'il, Saudi Arabia. It will be an effective tool for determining the need for treatment facilities.
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