Citation Information :
Mustafa M, Bagda KK, Singh S, Oak A. An Appraisal on Newer Endodontic File Systems: A Narrative Review. J Contemp Dent Pract 2022; 23 (9):944-952.
Aim: This narrative review aims to explore and elicit the newer endodontic file systems used for root canal treatments._x000D_
Background: The primary goals of endodontic therapy continue to be the mechanical enlargement and shaping of the intricate endodontic root canal systems to aid in disinfection. Nowadays endodontists have access to a wide range of endodontic file systems for root canal preparations with various design characteristics and benefits._x000D_
Review results: ProTaper Ultimate (PTU) files' tip have a parallelogram convex cross-section, an offset mass of rotating design, a maximum flute diameter of 1.0 mm, and are constructed of gold wire, hence, commonly applied in conditions with restricted accessibility or an extremely curved canal. TruNatomy shaping files have a slim 0.8 mm maximum flute diameter, allowing for dentin preservation, and feature an off-centered crosssection with a regressive taper for superior efficiency. In comparison to PTU files, ProTaper Gold (PTG) files are noticeably more elastic and fatigue-resistant. Compared to files in the F1–F3 range, size S1 and S2 files have a significantly longer fatigue life. MicroMega One RECI is more resistant to cyclic fatigue because of its heat treatment and reciprocating action and the C-wire heat treatment of the former gives it flexibility and controlled memory, enabling the prebending of the file. The RECIPROC blue demonstrated enhanced flexibility, increased fatigue resistance, and lower microhardness while maintaining the same surface qualities._x000D_
Conclusion: As per the necessity and requirement on case to case basis, every endodontic file system has advantages and disadvantages as mentioned in this narrative review. According to the need, an endodontist can select the file system which is required specifically. Although several studies are comparing these various systems in the literature, this narrative review aims to give the clinician a summary of some recently launched endodontic rotary file systems available in the market and their clinical uses._x000D_
Clinical significance: As per the priority and need of the case, whether removal and extrusion of debris, reduction of micro-organisms, keeping canal anatomy, and cutting efficiency, a specific required file system can be utilized.
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