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VOLUME 24 , ISSUE 10 ( October, 2023 ) > List of Articles


The Incidence of Devitalization of Vital Teeth Associated with Pathologies of the Jaws Following Surgical Intervention: A Mixed-case Study

Abdulwahed Alghamdi, Sawaher Haddad, Alya Aljumaiah, Mohammed A Barayan, Esra A Attar

Keywords : Non-odontogenic cyst, Odontogenic cyst, Postoperative complications, Prognosis, Pulp necrosis, Root canal treatment, Surgical intervention

Citation Information : Alghamdi A, Haddad S, Aljumaiah A, Barayan MA, Attar EA. The Incidence of Devitalization of Vital Teeth Associated with Pathologies of the Jaws Following Surgical Intervention: A Mixed-case Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2023; 24 (10):750-756.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10024-3567

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 05-12-2023

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2023; The Author(s).


Aim: The purpose of this mixed-case study is to explore the incidence of pulp necrosis of vital teeth after surgical treatment of adjacent lesions of the jaws. Materials and methods: The records of 341 biopsies submitted to the institute's histopathology laboratory were reviewed to include cases that met the inclusion criteria. About 84 biopsies collected from patients during surgical enucleation of lesions in proximity to healthy vital teeth were included of which 22 patients were recalled. Adjacent teeth were examined clinically and radiographically to assess their pulpal and periapical status after at least 8 months of follow-up. Results: There were 7 different pathological lesions diagnosed histologically. The follow-up period ranged between 8 and 72 months; 12 cases (54.6%) have developed pulpal necrosis for at least one tooth after surgical enucleation of the lesion. The other 10 cases (45.4%) showed normal responses to sensibility testing for all the teeth adjacent to the lesion. Ten out of the 12 cases (83%) that underwent pulpal necrosis were associated with odontogenic cysts, whereas the remaining 2 were associated with periapical granuloma and fibrous dysplasia. Conclusion: Pulp necrosis is high in vital teeth associated with lesions without pulpal involvement. These teeth may benefit from root canal treatment prior to surgical enucleation of the lesion, which may prevent impaired healing or recurrence of infection. Clinical significance: Careful treatment planning and thorough discussion should take place between the surgeons, endodontists, and patients prior to executing the treatment. The patient should be aware that there is a possibility that they may need root canal treatment as a preventative measure to enhance the chances of healing following the surgical procedures and in case the patients opted not to perform root canal treatment beforehand, close follow-up in the future should take place to monitor the vitality of the teeth in the follow-up visits.

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