Sagittal Position of the Upper Incisor in Relation to the Forehead in Peruvian Individuals with Different Skeletal Relationships
José Renatto Bazán-Mendoza, Paula Betzabe Arias-Modesto, Gustavo Armando Ruíz-Mora, Yalil Augusto Rodríguez-Cárdenas, Aron Aliaga-Del Castillo, Vinicius Dutra, Luis Ernesto Arriola-Guillén
Keywords :
Forehead, Skeletal relationship, Upper central incisor
Citation Information :
Bazán-Mendoza JR, Arias-Modesto PB, Ruíz-Mora GA, Rodríguez-Cárdenas YA, Aliaga-Del Castillo A, Dutra V, Arriola-Guillén LE. Sagittal Position of the Upper Incisor in Relation to the Forehead in Peruvian Individuals with Different Skeletal Relationships. J Contemp Dent Pract 2023; 24 (11):821-825.
Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the sagittal position of the upper incisor considering Andrews’ analysis based on the position of the forehead in Peruvian individuals with different skeletal relationships.
Materials and methods: This retrospective, cross-sectional study included 212 lateral head radiographs of Peruvian individuals (males: 85, mean age 21.38 ± 6.88, and females: 127, mean age 21.18 ± 6.95), with different skeletal relationships (Class I group = 96, Class II group = 57, Class III group = 59). The values of the ANB, SNA, SNB angles as well as the forehead anterior limit line (FALL) and goal anterior limit line (GALL) points were identified in the radiographs, and then a vertical line was drawn in each point to determine if the upper incisor was positioned forward (protruded), backward (retruded) or within (adequate) these lines. Two trained and calibrated investigators performed all the measurements. The Chi-square test was used to evaluate associations. A p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: Overall, the sagittal position of the upper incisor showed a significant association with the sagittal skeletal relationship (p = 0.001). The upper incisors showed an adequate position (41.7%), protruded position (56.10%), and retruded position (42.40%), for Class I, II, and III skeletal relationships, respectively, as highest percentages in each Class. Statistical significance was found for females only (p = 0.005).
Conclusion: Skeletal Class I mainly showed an adequate position of the upper central incisor, whereas for Class II a protruded position was most frequently found, and Class III presented a retruded position.
Clinical significance: Andrews’ analysis based on the position of the forehead in Peruvian individuals is a valuable tool for orthodontic diagnosis.
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