Radiographic Assessment of Three-implant-retained Mandibular Overdentures: A Clinical Study of Alveolar Bone Height Changes (Randomized Clinical Trial)
Rahma EL Hussany Mohammed, Osama Mohammed Askar, Fatma Ahmad EL-Waseef, Mohammed Mohammed Fouad
Keywords :
Block-out spacer, Digital radiograph, Locator attachment, Pick-up
Citation Information :
Mohammed RE, Askar OM, EL-Waseef FA, Fouad MM. Radiographic Assessment of Three-implant-retained Mandibular Overdentures: A Clinical Study of Alveolar Bone Height Changes (Randomized Clinical Trial). J Contemp Dent Pract 2023; 24 (11):847-852.
Aim: To evaluate the residual alveolar ridge bone height changes regarding the impact of the block-out spacer used during the pick-up procedures of implant-assisted mandibular complete overdentures.
Materials and methods: This study was a randomized clinical trial conducted on 18 patients. All patients received three mandibular dental implants with definitive locator attachments which were directly picked up with two different techniques. Patients were classified randomly without any bias into two equal groups (Group I block-out spacer) and (Group II without block-out spacer). Over a year, the digital radiographic technique with new technique of reference points was employed to evaluate the changes in the residual alveolar ridge bone heights. The data were statistically analyzed to test the significance difference between groups.
Results: Concerning the residual alveolar ridge resorption RRR, group I exhibited a significantly higher RRR than group II.
Conclusion: In terms of residual alveolar ridge preservation, not using the block-out spacer was more beneficial than using it.
Clinical significance: Alveolar bone heights can be affected by the use of block-out spacer during pick-up procedure within accepted physiologic values. The removal of the block-out spacer could be more beneficial with respect to the preservation of the residual alveolar ridge.
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