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VOLUME 24 , ISSUE 12 ( December, 2023 ) > List of Articles


Endodontic Procedural Errors and Associated Factors among Undergraduate Dental Students: A Cross-sectional Study

Mohamed A Elsayed, Duaa R Saleh, Amal M Alnahdi, Vivek Padmanabhan

Keywords : Apical blockage, Endodontic treatment, Endodontic procedural errors, Endodontic mishaps, Rubber dam isolation, Undergraduate dental students

Citation Information : Elsayed MA, Saleh DR, Alnahdi AM, Padmanabhan V. Endodontic Procedural Errors and Associated Factors among Undergraduate Dental Students: A Cross-sectional Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2023; 24 (12):998-1007.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10024-3614

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 31-01-2024

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2023; The Author(s).


Aims and background: To assess the procedural errors committed by undergraduate students at RAK College of Dental Sciences, during root canal treatments and the factors associated with these errors. Materials and methods: In this cross-sectional study, 180 self-administered questionnaires were distributed, each comprising 26 questions, among 4th and 5th-year students. Participants were requested to report their endodontic mishaps based on feedback from their supervisors. The questionnaire assessed the frequency and types of procedural errors, considering patient, operator, and tooth-related factors. Data were collected tabulated and analyzed using the Chi-square test. Results: A total of 124 root canal-treated teeth exhibiting iatrogenic errors done by students were assessed. Out of which, 53% were performed by 5th-year students, and 69% were conducted by female operators. About 62% of errors occurred in the upper teeth and 68% in the posterior teeth. The most prevalent errors during the rubber dam isolation step were soft tissue trauma (21%) and isolation leakage (20%), significantly associated with limited mouth opening, excessive salivation, and tooth malalignment (p < 0.05). Apical blockage (15%) emerged as the most frequent error during instrumentation phase, showing a significant association with canal dimension and curvature (p < 0.05). For access cavity and obturation phases, under-extended cavity (9%), and under-extended filling (11%) were the most reported errors, respectively. Conclusion: Tooth isolation emerges as a particularly challenging aspect for dental students, particularly when dealing with patients exhibiting limited mouth opening and excessive salivation. Clinical significance: Clinical instructors should caution the undergraduates about the heightened risk of endodontic procedural errors when dealing with patients exhibiting limited mouth opening, excessive salivation, tooth misalignment, and narrow canals. Addressing these challenges is crucial for enhancing the proficiency of undergraduate students in performing successful root canal treatments.

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