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VOLUME 24 , ISSUE 2 ( February, 2023 ) > List of Articles


Comparison between Distal Extension Attachment-retained Removable Partial Prostheses with Integrated and Conventional Reciprocation Designs: A Clinical Trial

Maria Raafat Reslan, Essam Osman, Lucette Segaan, Ibrahim Gamal El-Hussein

Keywords : Extracoronal attachment, Hybrid partial prosthesis, Integrated interlock designs, Parallel interlock designs, Removable partial dentures

Citation Information : Reslan MR, Osman E, Segaan L, El-Hussein IG. Comparison between Distal Extension Attachment-retained Removable Partial Prostheses with Integrated and Conventional Reciprocation Designs: A Clinical Trial. J Contemp Dent Pract 2023; 24 (2):89-96.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10024-3479

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 23-05-2023

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2023; The Author(s).


Aim: To compare marginal bone level (MBL) around the abutments in integrated and conventional reciprocation designs in attachment-retained removable partial prosthesis (A-RPP). Materials and methods: Around 14 participants were indiscriminately selected and separated into two groups. For every group, an A-RPP with one of the studied reciprocation types was fabricated and assessed. Group I received A-RPP with integrated reciprocation and group II received A-RPP with conventional reciprocation. MBL around the crowned primary and secondary abutments was assessed on the day of A-RPP insertion, at 6 and at 9 months of denture use. Results: Comparison of MBL values at the primary and secondary abutments within each group showed no statistical difference from time of delivery and throughout the study. After using the A-RPP for 6 and 9 months, group I revealed lower mean values of MBL than group II which were statistically significant. Conclusion: Distal extension A-RPP with integrated and conventional reciprocation designs were associated with raise in bone loss. Integrated reciprocation design revealed a lesser amount of bone loss than the conventional reciprocation design and therefore, it is considered as more preferable to be used. Clinical significance: Distal extension A-RPP with integrated reciprocation is superior in terms of periodontium preservation around abutment teeth as compared to distal extension A-RPD with conventional reciprocation.

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