Citation Information :
Hamza PS, Aslam S, Roshni A, Cherian MP, Akhila K. Conventional Rotary Technique and Piezosurgical Technique in the Removal of Impacted Mandibular Third Molar: A Comparative Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2023; 24 (2):97-102.
Aim: To compare the operating time, postoperative pain, edema, trismus, and patient acceptance following surgical removal of impacted third molar using piezosurgery and conventional rotary technique.
Materials and methods: About 42 patients with impacted mesioangular mandibular third molars were included in this study. Subjects are divided into two groups: group I (treated with conventional rotary technique) and group II (treated with piezosurgery). Duration of surgery, pain, trismus, and swelling were assessed. The patients were evaluated on the 1st, 3rd, and 7th postoperative days.
Results: Postoperative pain, trismus, and edema were reduced with piezosurgery compared with conventional technique. Even though the duration of time was longer with piezosurgery, patient comfort was found to be better.
Conclusion: Piezosurgery is a meticulous and innovative ultrasonic technique with selective bone cutting and better postoperative outcomes. However, it is expensive, and the operating time is prolonged.
Clinical significance: Piezosurgery is an alternative in the surgical removal of third molars as it ensures precise and selective cutting, with no injury to the surrounding soft tissues. Postoperative outcome and patient acceptance are improved with piezosurgery.
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