Prevalence of Dental Caries in Children Visiting a Dental College and Hospital in the United Arab Emirates: A Cross-sectional Study
Layla Taha Mohammad, Hessa Khaled Humed Abdulla AlZaabi, Fadia Alfateh Hamed Alneel AwadAlkreem
Keywords :
Dental caries, Oral hygiene, Prevalence, School children
Citation Information :
Mohammad LT, AlZaabi HK, AwadAlkreem FA. Prevalence of Dental Caries in Children Visiting a Dental College and Hospital in the United Arab Emirates: A Cross-sectional Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2023; 24 (7):467-472.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence of dental caries in school children visiting a dental college and hospital and investigate the associated risk factors.
Materials and methods: Eighty children were recruited in this study between the ages of 6–12 years. The caries prevalence of decayed, missing, filled teeth (DMFT) was recorded using an evaluation form. A structured questionnaire was used to understand the associated risk factors.
Results: The caries prevalence in the population was found to be at 91.25%. There was a strong negative correlation between age and dental caries and the results were statistically significant with p-value being less than 0.0001. The duration of bottle and breastfeeding, frequency of teeth brushing, adult supervision during brushing, consumption frequency of sweets, and the frequency or timing of children's dental visits were found to be positively associated with dental caries and these results were statistically significant with p-value being less than 0.05.
Conclusion: A high prevalence of dental caries was observed among the population visiting the dental college and hospital. Encouraging dental health education, including promoting the significance of good oral hygiene practices, is crucial.
Clinical significance: The study emphasizes the rising prevalence of dental caries and underscores the need for dental health education and the promotion of good oral hygiene practices to prevent complications and reduce their prevalence.
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