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VOLUME 24 , ISSUE 8 ( August, 2023 ) > List of Articles


The Effect of Different Finishing and Polishing Systems on Surface Properties of New Flowable Bulk-fill Resin Composite

Yara A Elgammal, Marwa M Temirek, Olfat E Hassanein, Monaliza M Abdelaziz

Keywords : Food simulating liquids, Multiple-step polishing system, Surface gloss, Surface roughness and two-step polishing system

Citation Information : Elgammal YA, Temirek MM, Hassanein OE, Abdelaziz MM. The Effect of Different Finishing and Polishing Systems on Surface Properties of New Flowable Bulk-fill Resin Composite. J Contemp Dent Pract 2023; 24 (8):587-594.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10024-3548

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 13-09-2023

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2023; The Author(s).


Aim: The purpose of this research was to explore how various finishing and polishing techniques affect the surface roughness (Ra) and gloss of flowable bulk-fill injectable resin composite utilized for posterior teeth restoration, following exposure to a range of food-simulating liquids (FSLs) over three months. Materials and methods: This study comprised fifty-six disk specimens of G-aenial™ Bulk Injectable flowable resin composite which were created using a Teflon mold (10 × 4 mm). Two techniques of finishing and polishing (F/P) were employed: The two-step 3M™ Sof-Lex™ F/P spiral wheels system and the multiple-step 3M™ Sof-Lex™ XT finishing disks supplemented by the Ultradent Jiffy HiShine polisher cup system. The Ra and gloss of the prepared specimens were measured using an interference microscope system and Horiba gloss checker respectively, immediately post-finishing and polishing and then reassessed after three months in artificial saliva and Coca-Cola. Results: The two-step system showed a statistically significant difference, exhibiting greater “surface roughness (Ra)” and lower “surface gloss (GU)” mean values compared to the multiple-step system under different storage conditions, particularly after 3 months of storage (p = 0.001). Conclusion: The multiple-step polishing system improved the “Ra” and “GU” of resin composite, suggesting their suitability for posterior resin composite restorations. Acidic media had a deleterious impact on the “Ra” and “GU” of resin composite restoration. Clinical significance: The quality of resin composite restorations can be significantly improved with the correct use of finishing and polishing systems, particularly in complex areas of posterior teeth restorations, leading to successful dental procedures.

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