Effect of Mushroom, Ozone Gas, and Their Combination as Pretreatment Materials on the Bond Strength of Resin Composite to Dentin
Menna-Allah S Ali, Shaimaa A Alrafee, Noha I Metwally, Aytallah Salem, Sherine Badawy, Shahenda A Abdallah
Keywords :
Antibacterial, Mushroom, Ozone, Scanning electron microscope, Shear bond strength
Citation Information :
Ali MS, Alrafee SA, Metwally NI, Salem A, Badawy S, Abdallah SA. Effect of Mushroom, Ozone Gas, and Their Combination as Pretreatment Materials on the Bond Strength of Resin Composite to Dentin. J Contemp Dent Pract 2024; 25 (10):914-920.
Aim: To assess the effect of mushrooms, ozone gas, and their combination as cavity disinfectants on the bonding strength of composite to dentin.
Materials and methods: The study was conducted on 40 sound premolar teeth randomly divided into four groups. Group I: control group, Group II: mushroom group, Group III: Ozone group, and Group IV: mushroom + ozone gas (combination) group. After the pretreatment of dentin with the previous material the adhesive bonding agents and composite were applied and polymerized. The shear bond strength was measured using the universal testing machine. A sample from each group was evaluated blindly by scanning electron microscope (SEM) to see changes in dentin morphology after treatment. The data were statistically analyzed using one-way ANOVA for inter-group general comparisons while qualitative data were analyzed using the Chi-squared test.
Results: The mean value of shear bond strength of the control group was 5.44 ± 1.45, the mushroom group was 7.55 ± 3.46, the ozone group was 10.42 ± 6.55 and the mushroom and ozone group was 7.45 ± 5.26. Comparison between the four groups regarding the shear bond strength indicated that there was a non-significant difference between the tested groups, with a p-value of 0.52. The SEM result showed a continuous hybrid layer in all groups with no gap formation in the combination group.
Conclusion: It was concluded that ozone and mushrooms could be employed reliably as cavity disinfectants in permanent teeth without affecting bond strength negatively. The ozone group showed the highest bond strength.
Clinical significance: Using antibacterial material before restoration is important to help in the prevention of recurrent caries and increase the longevity of restoration, and this should be performed without affecting bond strength.
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