Comparing Sectional and Total Dentin Bond Strengths of Three Endodontic Sealers after Using the Single-cone Obturation Technique: An In Vitro Study
Mohamed El Sayed
Keywords :
AH Plus sealer, Dentin bond strength, GuttaFlow 2 sealer, RealSeal SE, Root canal obturation, Single cone obturation technique
Citation Information :
El Sayed M. Comparing Sectional and Total Dentin Bond Strengths of Three Endodontic Sealers after Using the Single-cone Obturation Technique: An In Vitro Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2024; 25 (10):976-982.
Aim: This study aimed to investigate and compare the total and sectional bond strengths of three endodontic sealers when used with the single-cone obturation technique.
Materials and methods: Forty-five human maxillary central incisors were prepared and divided into three groups according to the type of endodontic sealer: Group I (Gutta-percha/AH Plus Jet), group II (Gutta-percha/GuttaFlow 2), and group III (RealSeal/RealSeal SE). All canals were filled with the single-cone technique. Roots were sectioned and scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis was performed on randomly selected samples from each group to assess the root canal filling interfaces. A root section from each root level was subjected to a push-out test. The sectional and total bond strengths were analyzed, then the failure modes were investigated. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's test, and alpha was set at 0.05.
Results: Significant differences in bond strength values were observed (p < 0.05), with RealSeal SE demonstrating the highest bond strength, particularly in the middle and apical root regions. On the contrary, GuttaFlow 2 exhibited the lowest bond strength. Cohesive failure modes were more common for AH Plus Jet and GuttaFlow 2, while RealSeal SE showed cohesive and adhesive failures. The SEM analysis revealed that each sealer exhibited different levels of adaptability to dentin and core material.
Conclusion: RealSeal SE and AH Plus Jet showed superior bond strength compared to GuttaFlow 2 when the single-cone obturation technique was used. The apical root sections exhibited the highest bond strength for all sealers, except for AH Plus Jet, which showed a higher bond strength in the coronal root sections.
Clinical significance: The current findings could guide dental professionals in choosing the most appropriate sealer for the single-cone obturation technique, potentially leading to more effective obturation procedures, especially for teeth requiring post and core restoration.
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