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VOLUME 25 , ISSUE 2 ( February, 2024 ) > List of Articles


Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Autogenous Inlay Graft vs Autogenous Onlay Graft for Anterior Maxillary Horizontal Ridge Augmentation: A Randomized Control Clinical Study

Ahmed O Elsayed, Wael MAS Ahmed, Mohamed A-M Tawfik

Keywords : Autogenous inlay graft, Autogenous onlay graft, Deficient anterior maxilla, Horizontal ridge augmentation

Citation Information : Elsayed AO, Ahmed WM, Tawfik MA. Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Autogenous Inlay Graft vs Autogenous Onlay Graft for Anterior Maxillary Horizontal Ridge Augmentation: A Randomized Control Clinical Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2024; 25 (2):107-113.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10024-3634

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 14-03-2024

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2024; The Author(s).


Aim: This study aimed to compare the efficacy of autogenous onlay and inlay grafts for anterior maxillary horizontal ridge augmentation. Materials and methods: This randomized clinical trial was performed on 14 patients with a deficient partially edentulous anterior maxillary ridge (3–5 mm in width). Patients were randomized and grouped into two equal groups: Group A was treated with symphyseal autogenous bone block, which was placed and fixed buccally as an onlay graft, and group B: was treated with symphyseal autogenous bone block, which was interpositioned and fixed in space created between buccal and lingual cortex as inlay graft. Patients were evaluated clinically and radiographically to evaluate the increase of bone width at [Baseline, immediate postoperative (T0)] and six months post-graft (T6). Results: A total of 14 patients (8 males and 6 females) with age range from 20 to 43 years old with a mean of 42.1 years were involved in our study. Radiographically, there was a significant statistical difference in comparing between two groups for the creation of a horizontal alveolar bone at T0. In the inlay group, the mean preoperative bone width was 3.9 ± 0.3 mm at T0 and 5.7 ± 0.5 mm at T6. While in the onlay group, the mean preoperative bone width was 3.7 ± 0.7 mm at T0 while at T6 the mean bone width was 6.1 ± 0.8 mm. This was statistically significant. Conclusion: Inlay block graft appears to be a successful treatment option for horizontal ridge augmentation in the maxillary arch. Clinical significance: both techniques are viable techniques for augmentation of atrophic alveolar ridge with uneventful healing.

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