Aim: This clinical technique aims to retighten intermaxillary fixation (IMF) wires when loosened intra/postoperatively.
Background: Intermaxillary fixation is one of the most important steps to obtain stable and functional occlusion in maxillofacial trauma. However, IMF wires tend to loosen over time. This loosened wire is generally removed and a new wire is used for IMF. Removal and refixation is time-consuming for surgeon and unconformable for the patient.
Technique: We recommend a simple technique for re-tightening IMF wires without breakage, with the use of shepherd's crook explorer by making a small circular loop.
Conclusion: This technique of re-tightening by looping further stretches and tightens the wire to regain stabilized occlusion with maximal intercuspation.
Clinical significance: This technique eliminates the need for removal and refixation of IMF wires, thereby improving patient comfort, yet obtaining stable occlusion over a long period of time.
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