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VOLUME 6 , ISSUE 3 ( August, 2005 ) > List of Articles


A Survey of Localized Lesions of Oral Tissues: A Clinicopathological Study

Anwar Bataineh, Ziad Nawaf Al-Dwairi

Citation Information : Bataineh A, Al-Dwairi ZN. A Survey of Localized Lesions of Oral Tissues: A Clinicopathological Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2005; 6 (3):30-39.

DOI: 10.5005/jcdp-6-3-30

License: CC BY-NC 3.0

Published Online: 01-02-2007

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2005; The Author(s).



The purpose of this study was to establish the relative prevalence of the different histopathological aspects of biopsied localized soft tissue oral lesions in a university-based dental school biopsy service.

Study Design

A retrospective analysis of patients’ records with localized lesions treated in the Department of Oral Medicine and Oral Surgery between 2001 and 2004 was conducted. The lesions were classified into either fibrous lesions or soft hemorrhagic lesions. Clinical data regarding age, gender, location, and treatment of the lesions were obtained for each case.


The majority of the lesions were located in the gingiva. There were a total of 294 cases of which 182 (61.9%) were fibrous lesions and 112 (38.1%) were soft hemorrhagic lesions. All cases were treated by excisional biopsy and elimination of the chronic irritant.


Although this data might be used as a guide for forming clinical impressions about oral lesions, the clinician must always be aware of the possible occurrence of more rare lesions. This study indicates there are some differences in age and gender distribution as well as in location between the different lesions.


Bataineh A, Al-Dwairi ZN. A Survey of Localized Lesions of Oral Tissues: A Clinicopathological Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2005 August;(6)3:030-039.

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