Effects of Nd: YAG Laser Irradiation on the Adaptation of Composite Resins to Root Dentin
Murat Maden, Güliz Görgül, A. Cemal Tinaz, Bağdagül H. Kivanç, Özgür like Atasoy Ulusoy
Citation Information :
Maden M, Görgül G, Tinaz AC, Kivanç BH, Ulusoy ÖL. Effects of Nd: YAG Laser Irradiation on the Adaptation of Composite Resins to Root Dentin. J Contemp Dent Pract 2005; 6 (4):116-123.
Görgül G, Kivanç BH, Maden M, Ulsoy ÖLA, Tinaz AC. Effects of Nd: YAG Laser Irradiation on the Adaptation of Composite Resins to Root Dentin. J Contemp Dent Pract 2005 November;(6)4:116-123.
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