Fixed Space Maintainers Combined with Open-Face Stainless Steel Crowns
Yucel Yilmax, M. Elcin Kocoguliari, Nihal Beiduz
Citation Information :
Yilmax Y, Kocoguliari ME, Beiduz N. Fixed Space Maintainers Combined with Open-Face Stainless Steel Crowns. J Contemp Dent Pract 2006; 7 (2):95-103.
This study investigates the clinical performance of fixed space maintainers placed on seriously damaged abutment teeth.
Crowns were placed on damaged abutment primary teeth. Fixed space maintainers were prepared by using rectangular wire between the window in the facial surface of the crowns and other abutment teeth and were subsequently bonded with a flowable resin composite. This procedure was introduced clinically, and the cases were observed over a period of twelve months.
Twenty-seven fixed space maintainers (25 on lower jaw, two on upper jaw) were included in this study. No clinical failure was recorded in any of the cases in the observation time, and the rate of clinical performance was 100%.
The study shows the effectiveness of fixed space maintainers combined with stainless steel crowns (“open-face fixed space maintainers”) which were placed on primary molar teeth used as abutments in cases with extensive caries and loss of occlusogingival dimension.
Yilmaz Y, Kocogullari ME, Belduz N. Fixed Space Maintainers Combined with open-face Stainless Steel Crowns. J Contemp Dent Pract 2006 May;(7)2:095-103.
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