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VOLUME 8 , ISSUE 1 ( January, 2007 ) > List of Articles


Effect of Different Types of Enamel Conditioners on the Bond Strength of Orthodontic Brackets

A.R. Daneshkazemi, A.R. Davari, S. Yassaei, M.H. Yosefi

Citation Information : Daneshkazemi A, Davari A, Yassaei S, Yosefi M. Effect of Different Types of Enamel Conditioners on the Bond Strength of Orthodontic Brackets. J Contemp Dent Pract 2007; 8 (1):36-43.

DOI: 10.5005/jcdp-8-1-36

License: CC BY-NC 3.0

Published Online: 01-03-2008

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2007; The Author(s).



A unique characteristic of some new bonding systems in operative dentistry is they combine conditioning and priming agents into a single acidic primer solution for simultaneous use on both enamel and dentin. Combining conditioning and priming into a single treatment step results in improvement in both time and costeffectiveness to the clinician and, indirectly, to the patient. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of the use of a self-etching primer on the bond strength of orthodontic brackets and on the bracket/ adhesive failure mode.

Methods and Materials

Thirty-six fresh bovine incisors were collected and stored in a solution of 0.1% (weight/volume) thymol. The criteria for tooth selection included intact buccal enamel, no cracks caused by the presence of the extraction forceps, and no defects. The teeth were cleansed and polished with pumice and rubber prophylactic cups for ten seconds. Brackets were bonded to the teeth according to one of three protocols following the manufacturers’ instructions - Group 1: Conventional multistep bonding system (control group) (n=12); Group 2: Self-etching primer system (n=12); and Group 3: Acid+self-etching primer system (n=12). Specimens were loaded to failure in a Zwick test machine (Zwick GmbH & Co, Ulm, Germany). Shear bond strengths were measured at a crosshead speed of 5 mm/min.


The mean shear bond strength in megapascals (Mpa) (standard deviation) were 11.7 (4.2), 10.5 (4.4), and 10.9 (4.8) for Groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the three groups. The results indicated no significant difference in the bond strength between the three groups (P=0.800). The results of the Chi square test, evaluating the residual adhesives on the enamel surfaces, revealed no significant difference between the three groups (P=0.554).


Results of the present in vitro study indicate the use of self-etching primers may be an alternative to conventional phosphoric acid pre-treatment in orthodontic bonding.


Davari AR, Yassaei S, Daneshkazemi AR, Yosefi MH . Effect of Different Types of Enamel Conditioners on the Bond Strength of Orthodontic Brackets. J Contemp Dent Pract 2007 January;(8)1:036-043.

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