Evaluation of the Effect of Different Ferrule Designs on the Fracture Resistance of Endodontically Treated Maxillary Central Incisors Incorporating Fiber Posts, Composite Cores and Crown Restorations
Emre Ozel, Idil Dikbas, Jale Tanalp, Temel Koksal, Mustafa Ersoy
Citation Information :
Ozel E, Dikbas I, Tanalp J, Koksal T, Ersoy M. Evaluation of the Effect of Different Ferrule Designs on the Fracture Resistance of Endodontically Treated Maxillary Central Incisors Incorporating Fiber Posts, Composite Cores and Crown Restorations. J Contemp Dent Pract 2007; 8 (7):62-69.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the fracture resistance of endodontically treated maxillary central incisors restored with quartz fiber posts, composite cores, and crowns when different types of ferrule designs were incorporated.
Methods and Materials
Sixty maxillary incisors were divided into six groups: Group 1 (control): teeth with root canal treatments having a full crown prosthesis; Group 2: teeth with a 2 mm circumferential ferrule; Group 3: teeth with a 2 mm ferrule only in the vestibular region; Group 4: teeth with a 2 mm ferrule only in the palatal region; Group 5: teeth with a 2 mm ferrule in the vestibular and palatal region, having cavities in both proximal areas; and Group 6: teeth with no ferrule. The teeth in the experimental groups were restored with quartz fiber posts-composite cores and full metallic crowns. All experimental teeth were subjected to an increasing compressive force with a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min, until fracture occurred.
The median fracture values of groups were as follows: Group 1: 574.4 N, Group 2: 472.4 N, Group 3: 474.3 N, Group 4: 480.7 N, Group 5: 463.1 N, and Group 6: 297.9 N. A statistically significant difference was found between Group 1 and Group 6 (p< 0.01).
It was concluded different ferrule designs did not have any influence on the fracture resistance of teeth with fiber posts. The results of this study indicate fiber posts can safely be used for their reinforcing properties. Furthermore, there is no significant change in the resistance of teeth with fiber posts regardless of which ferrule design is incorporated. The property of these types of posts is an additional advantage in clinical practice.
Dikbas I, Tanalp J, Ozel E, Koksal T, Ersoy M. Evaluation of the Effect of Different Ferrule Designs on the Fracture Resistance of Endodontically Treated Maxillary Central Incisors Incorporating Fiber Posts, Composite Cores and Crown Restorations. J Contemp Dent Pract 2007 November; (8)7:062-069.
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