Impact of a Novel Power Toothbrush with SmartGuide Technology on Brushing Pressure and Thoroughness
Robert D. Bartizek, Patricia A. Walters, Karen Janusz, Bruce Nelson, Aaron Biesbrock
Citation Information :
Bartizek RD, Walters PA, Janusz K, Nelson B, Biesbrock A. Impact of a Novel Power Toothbrush with SmartGuide Technology on Brushing Pressure and Thoroughness. J Contemp Dent Pract 2008; 9 (7):1-8.
Toothbrushing effectiveness can be improved with at-home reinforcement of proper technique. This study evaluated the ability of a power brush with a wireless remote display (Oral-B® Triumph® with SmartGuide™) to improve brushing force and thoroughness.
Methods and Materials
At baseline, 61 pre-screened subjects were videotaped while brushing. The wireless display was also videotaped. Subjects were then randomized to the power brush alone or the power brush with the wireless display. After 30 days of home use, subjects returned and brushed for two minutes using a two-way mirror. Brushing behavior and the wireless display were videotaped.
Fifty-eight subjects were included in the pressure sensor analysis. The reduction in pressure sensor activation time at day 30 versus baseline was 88.5% for the power brush with wireless display and 53.4% for the power brush alone. The difference between groups was statistically significant in favor of the power brush with display (p=0.034). Forty-six subjects were included in the brushing thoroughness assessment. Subjects using the power brush with the wireless display showed statistically significantly more thorough brushing across the dentition and lingual/buccal surfaces relative to baseline. The power brush alone did not show a significant difference relative to baseline.
Subjects using the power brush with the wireless display brushed with less force than subjects using the power brush alone after 30 days of home use.
Clinical Significance
The power brush with the wireless display can be incorporated in patients’ home care routine to improve brushing technique, including brushing pressure and thoroughness.
Janusz K, Nelson B, Bartizek RD, Walters PA, Biesbrock A. Impact of a Novel Power Toothbrush with SmartGuide Technology on Brushing Pressure and Thoroughness. J Contemp Dent Pract 2008 November; (9)7:001-008.
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