Bond Strength of Adhesive Systems with Different Solvents to Dry and Wet Dentin
Daphne Câmara Barcellos, Carlos Rocha Gomes Torres, Melissa Aline da Silva, Patrícia Maria Rangel, Clovis Pagani
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Barcellos DC, Torres CR, da Silva MA, Rangel PM, Pagani C. Bond Strength of Adhesive Systems with Different Solvents to Dry and Wet Dentin. J Contemp Dent Pract 2013; 14 (1):9-13.
This study evaluates bond strength between dentin and composite using adhesives with different solvents to dry and wet dentin.
Materials and methods
Ninety bovine incisors were used; the vestibular surfaces were worn by the exposure of an area with a diameter of 4 mm of dentin. The specimens were divided into 6 groups, according to the type of adhesive used and hydratation stals: Group SB-wet: Single Bond 2 in wet dentin, Group SBdry: Single Bond 2 in dry dentin, Group SL-wet: Solobond M in wet dentin, Group SL-dry: Solobond M in dentin dry. Group XPwet: XP Bond in wet dentin, Group XP-dry: XP Bond in dentin dry. They were cut to obtain specimens in the shape of stick with 1 × 1 mm and subjected to microtensile test in universal testing machine with a cross speed of 1mm/min. The data were analyzed with ANOVA and Tukey's tests (5%).
ANOVA showed significant differences for surface treatment and interaction, but no difference was found for adhesive factor. The Tukey's test showed that the samples with wet dentin shown higher values of bond strength.
The adhesive did not influence in the bond strength. The groups with wet dentin showed higher values of bond strength than groups with dry dentin.
How to cite this article
Silva MA, Rangel PM, Barcellos DC, Pagani C, Torres CRG. Bond Strength of Adhesive Systems with Different Solvents to Dry and Wet Dentin. J Contemp Dent Pract 2013;14(1):9-13.
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