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VOLUME 17 , ISSUE 9 ( September, 2016 ) > List of Articles


Evaluation of the Position of Mental Foramen for Clinical and Forensic Significance in terms of Gender in Dentate Subjects by Digital Panoramic Radiographs

Amit Mhapuskar, Shweta Thakare, Darshan Hiremutt, Versha R Giroh, Kedarnath Kalyanpur, KR Alpana

Citation Information : Mhapuskar A, Thakare S, Hiremutt D, Giroh VR, Kalyanpur K, Alpana K. Evaluation of the Position of Mental Foramen for Clinical and Forensic Significance in terms of Gender in Dentate Subjects by Digital Panoramic Radiographs. J Contemp Dent Pract 2016; 17 (9):762-768.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10024-1926

Published Online: 01-02-2017

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2016; The Author(s).



Evaluation of the position of mental foramen aids in forensic, surgical, endodontic, as well as diagnostic procedures. Thus, in view of this, the present study was conducted among the population of Pune, a central part of India, to determine the most regular location of the mental foramen and to estimate difference in position of mental foramen based on gender.

Materials and methods

The present retrospective study was commenced on 200 digital panoramic radiographs of dentate patients. The location of the representation of the mental foramen was traced. Measurements for evaluating distance of superior and inferior borders of the foramen in relation to the lower border of the mandible were made using the reference lines drawn from anatomical landmarks. The data so obtained were statistically analyzed using chi-square test.


The most common position of mental foramen among Pune population in horizontal plane in both male and female patients was in line with second premolar followed by position in between first and second premolar, whereas in the vertical plane, most common position was at or in line with apex of second premolar followed by in between apex of first and second premolar. The variation in length of superior and inferior border of the foramen in relation to lower border of the mandible with respect to gender was found to be significant, with p-value <0.05.


There was no difference in position of mental foramen in horizontal and vertical planes based on gender.

Clinical significance

The stability of location of mental foramen and significant difference in length of superior and inferior border of the foramen in relation to lower border of the mandible with respect to gender offer its application in forensic identification of gender.

How to cite this article

Thakare S, Mhapuskar A, Hiremutt D, Giroh VR, Kalyanpur K, Alpana KR. Evaluation of the Position of Mental Foramen for Clinical and Forensic Significance in terms of Gender in Dentate Subjects by Digital Panoramic Radiographs. J Contemp Dent Pract 2016;17(9):762-768.

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