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Botelho MG, Yang Y, Leung VW, Low B. Oral Rehabilitation of Young Adult with Amelogenesis Imperfecta. J Contemp Dent Pract 2018; 19 (5):599-604.
Background: Amelogenesis imperfecta is a heterogeneous group of hereditary disorders that affect the enamel formation of the primary and permanent dentitions while the remaining tooth structure is normal. Appropriate patient care is necessary to prevent adverse effects on dental oral health, dental disfigurement, and psychological well-being.
Aim: This clinical report presents a 27-year-old Chinese male with amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) and his restorative management.
Case report: This clinical report presents a 27-year-old Chinese male with AI and his restorative management. Extraoral examination showed a skeletal class III profile and increased lower facial proportion. Intraorally, all the permanent dentition was hypoplastic with noticeable tooth surface loss and a yellowbrown appearance. This was complicated with a mild malocclusion and food packing on his posterior teeth. The patient wanted to improve his appearance and masticatory efficiency. Orthodontic treatment was performed to treat the mild malocclusion and create physiological interproximal spacing to minimize tooth preparation and facilitate oral hygiene.
Conclusion: This report demonstrates how a multidisciplinary approach for the management of AI can achieve a predictable, functional, and esthetic outcome. Orthodontic treatment facilitated a conservative prosthodontic treatment outcome by selectively increasing interproximal space, minimizing tooth preparation, correcting posterior bilateral cross-bite, as well as an anterior reverse overjet and derotation of the canines.
Clinical significance: This case report demonstrates the effective restoration of AI using a multidisciplinary approach to overcome crowding using a relatively conservative approach.
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