Evaluation of Stress Distribution Among Two Different Preangled Abutments of Implants in Two Different Densities of Bone at Different Levels Along the Implant–In Vitro Study
Nibha K Singh, Suma B Chalapathy, Roger P Thota, Kiran Chakravarthula, Ramesh Tirnati, Kartheek Yenugupalli
Keywords :
Bone density, Finite element analysis, Finite element models, Implant, Pre-angled abutments
Citation Information :
Singh NK, Chalapathy SB, Thota RP, Chakravarthula K, Tirnati R, Yenugupalli K. Evaluation of Stress Distribution Among Two Different Preangled Abutments of Implants in Two Different Densities of Bone at Different Levels Along the Implant–In Vitro Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2018; 19 (11):1370-1375.
Aim: The present study evaluated the stress distribution among two different pre-angled abutments of implants in two different densities of bone at different levels along the implant.
Materials and methods: The stress allocation was assessed and compared between the control group, i.e., 0° and two different pre-angled abutments, i.e., 10° and 20° in two different bone densities as D2 and D3, using the finite element analysis. The geometric configuration of the mandible was generated using Ansys version 14.5graphic pre-processing software. Young's modulus (E) of elasticity and Poisson's ratio (ì) of the material were integrated into the representation. Average vertical load of 150 N was applied on the central fossa and buccal cusp of the mandibular first molar. Highest values of von Mises stresses were observed in different bone densities and angulated abutments at different levels.
Results: With increase in the abutment angulation between D2 and D3 densities along implant abutment junction the percentage of stress concentration was maximum with the values being 0.05 %, 108.67% and 128% in 0°,10°, and 20° angulations respectively, whereas, along the implant, the percentage of stress was increased with 0.6 %, 98.55% and 115.6% in 0°,10°, and 20° angulation.
Conclusion: Stress concentration was observed maximum at the implant abutment junction irrespective of the angulations and the densities used and the value of stress concentration accumulated within the cortical bone increases with increase in bone density and angulation of the implant.
Clinical significance: These finding would aid in recognizing the importance of quality of cortical bone which and helps in avoiding the overloading of the implant abutment interface for the long-term prognosis of the implant.
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