Resistin and Plasma-reactive Oxygen Metabolite Levels in Obese and Nonobese Individuals with Chronic Periodontitis in Response to Nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy
Vikram Singh, Neha Khare, Tony Varghese, MC Prashant, Kiran Dodani, Neelu Nagpal
Citation Information :
Singh V, Khare N, Varghese T, Prashant M, Dodani K, Nagpal N. Resistin and Plasma-reactive Oxygen Metabolite Levels in Obese and Nonobese Individuals with Chronic Periodontitis in Response to Nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy. J Contemp Dent Pract 2018; 19 (12):1526-1531.
Aim: To assess and compare the impact of non-surgical periodontal therapy on plasma reactive oxygen metabolites and resistin values in chronic periodontitis obese and non-obese patients.
Materials and methods: Total 200 subjects were included in the present study and were broadly divided into two study groups with 100 patients in each group as follows: group A: Obese patients with chronic periodontitis, group B: Non-obese, normal weight patients with chronic periodontitis. Various following periodontal parameter were calculated at the baseline time and two months after the nonsurgical periodontal therapy. Plasma reactive oxygen metabolite (RM) and serum and GCF resistin levelswere evaluated. Assessment of all the results was done by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software.
Results: Significant results were obtained while doing an intergroup comparison of clinical attachment levels between two study groups. Significant results were obtained while comparing the clinical attachment levels in both the study groups at different time intervals. Significantmki 9 reduction in the RM was seen in Group B subjects in comparison to Group A subjects 2 months after nonsurgical periodontal therapy.
Conclusion: In patients with chronic periodontitis, obesity can be considered as an important factor in the alteration of resistin levels.
Clinical significance: Obese patients should be motivated for reducing weight so that periodontal therapy and other treatment modalities could be carried out more effectively.
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