Periodic Assessment of Peri-implant Tissue Changes: Imperative for Implant Success
Shaifulizan Ab Rahman, Hazelina Muhammad, Sanjida Haque
Keywords :
Implant stability, Osseointegration, Peri-implant, Resonance frequency analysis
Citation Information :
Rahman SA, Muhammad H, Haque S. Periodic Assessment of Peri-implant Tissue Changes: Imperative for Implant Success. J Contemp Dent Pract 2019; 20 (2):173-178.
Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the changes in the peri-implant hard and soft tissues and implant stability and to assess the correlation of bone loss and peri-implant probing depth with implant stability.
Materials and methods: Twenty-one patients with implants were included in this study and implants were assessed by resonance frequency analysis (RFA). Bone levels of the implants were assessed by measuring mesial and distal bone levels from the periapical radiograph, and soft tissue was assessed from probing depth using a periodontal probe. Implants were assessed for stability and probing depth at pre-loading, at 3 months and 6 months post-loading. RFA and probing depth were statistically compared from different time points. Correlation of probing depth and marginal bone loss with implant stability was also determined.
Results: The average change in implant stability quotient (ISQ) measurements from pre-loading to 6 months post-loading was found to be statistically significant (p <0.005). The average probing depth reduced from 1.767 mm at pre-loading to 1.671 mm at post-loading 3 months, and 1.600 mm at post-loading 6 months. At 6 months of function, radiographic examination yielded 0.786 mm mesial bone loss and 0.8 mm distal bone loss. It was found to be statistically significant (p <0.005) but within an acceptable range. No significant correlation was found between implant stability and bone loss; and implant stability and probing depth.
Conclusion: The study revealed an increasing trend in implant stability values with the time that indicates successful osseointegration. Increasing mean values for mesial and distal bone loss were also found.
Clinical significance: The success of dental implants is highly dependent on the quality of bone and implant-bone interface, i.e., osseointegration. The most important factors that influence the survival rate of an implant is initial stability. The present study found the changes in the peri-implant hard and soft tissues and implant stability. This article, while being a prospective study, may show the evidence of successful osseointegration by increasing trend in implant stability (RFA) values with time which can help to the clinician in the long-term management of implants.
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