Citation Information :
Mahgoli H, Asadi S, Hajmahmoudi M, Moharrami M, Arshad M. Mandibular Overdentures Supported by Two vs Four Endosteal Implants: A Retrospective Cohort Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2019; 20 (5):582-586.
Aim: Documentation of marginal bone resorption caused by implant-supported mandibular overdentures is scarce. This study sought to evaluate marginal bone resorption, survival rate, patient satisfaction, peri-implant soft tissue status, and prosthetic aftercare of mandibular overdentures supported by two vs four implants.
Materials and methods: This retrospective cohort study evaluated 92 edentulous patients presented to the Implant Center of Tehran University of Medical Sciences; out of which, 46 patients received overdentures supported by two Implantium implants (group A), while the remaining 46 received overdentures supported by four Implantium implants (group B). Standard radiographic indices were assessed following the delivery of overdenture and after 2 years of functional loading. Clinical evaluation was performed after 2 years of function. Data were analyzed using the t test (for continuous variables) and the Mann–Whitney test (for ordinal variables).
Results: In group A, two implants were lost in one patient. The groups were not significantly different in terms of clinical or radiographic parameters (p > 0.05). Patient satisfaction and prosthetic aftercare were not significantly different in groups A and B (p > 0.05). Conclusions: During the 2-year evaluation period, the clinical and radiographic parameters were the same in patients who received overdentures supported by two or four implants.
Clinical significance: Successful results may be obtained by the use of mandibular overdentures supported by two or four implants.
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