Prevalence of Traumatic Injuries to Anterior Teeth in 9–14 Year School-going Children in Mumbai, India
Sachin Makane, Rupali Pathak
Keywords :
Mumbai, Prevalence, School children, Traumatic injuries
Citation Information :
Makane S, Pathak R. Prevalence of Traumatic Injuries to Anterior Teeth in 9–14 Year School-going Children in Mumbai, India. J Contemp Dent Pract 2019; 20 (5):622-630.
Aim: The aim of this study is to assess the prevalence and causes of traumatic dental injury (TDI) in 9–14 year school-going children in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study consisting of 2,055 primary and secondary school-going children aged between 9 and 14 years, from 20 municipal corporation schools of Mumbai city, was selected through a stratified random sampling technique. Children were examined clinically for any signs of TDI in the permanent anterior teeth in their respective schools by two examiners trained in using WHO criteria for oral and dental examination. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics including a frequency distribution.
Results: The prevalence of TDI to anterior teeth in school children of Mumbai was 16.3%. The commonest cause of trauma was fall followed by sports activities, collision, and road traffic accidents.
Conclusion: The occurrence and various etiologies of traumatic injuries to maxillary anterior teeth in school children of Mumbai were approximately the same as found in other countries.
Clinical significance: The present study gives a bird's eye view on the prevalence and common etiology of TDI in school children of Mumbai.
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