Citation Information :
Farina AP, Oliveira ED, Disarz A, de Moura AL, Durigon M, Souza MA, Cecchin D. Assessment of the Ability of Different Cleaning Protocols to Remove Eugenol-based Endodontic Sealer from the Root Dentin. J Contemp Dent Pract 2019; 20 (6):657-663.
Aim: The aim of this study is to assess three protocols for removing a eugenol-based filling endodontic sealer from root dentin and the bond strength of fiberglass posts luted with resin cement.
Materials and methods: Sixty single-rooted bovine teeth were prepared and filled with the Endofill endodontic sealer and gutta-percha cones. After 7 days, 9 mm of the filling was removed and divided into five groups (n = 12) according to the cleaning protocol: G1 (negative control), unfilled; G2 (positive control), saline solution; G3, 95% alcohol; G4, amyl acetate; and G5, Largo bur. The canals were hybridized and fiberglass posts were luted with resin cement. They were cross-sectioned in slices of 1 mm and subjected to the push-out test. The other samples were sectioned longitudinally and visualized in a scanning electron microscope (SEM), and the existing chemical elements were quantified by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The statistical analysis used variance analysis (ANOVA)-one way and Fisher's test, at a 5% significance level.
Results: The 95% alcohol was more effective for cleaning the canal, resulting in a clean dentinal surface and bond strength statistically similar to the negative control. The Largo bur was also statistically similar to the negative control, with only a few debris impregnated on the wall. Amyl acetate showed more sealer residues on the canal walls, with a consequent lower bond strength value than the other groups, only higher than the positive control.
Conclusion: The 95% alcohol and Largo burs may be used after removing the canal filling, so that the bond strength is improved when using the eugenol-based sealer.
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