Citation Information :
Jafarzadeh H, Iusefipour F, Zirouhi M, Kinoshita J, Manabe A, Kobayashi M, Azarpazhooh A. A Consolidated Pulp Test System Including Flowmetry, Pulse Oximetry, and Thermometry. J Contemp Dent Pract 2019; 20 (7):873-877.
Aim: The aim of this study is to report manufacturing a consolidated pulp test system that includes thermometry, flowmetry, and pulse oximetry.
Background: The ideal method for the evaluation of pulp vitality should be objective, noninvasive, easy to use, reliable, and painless. Currently, the most commonly used tests (such as electricity, heat, and cold tests) depend on patients’ sensibility and are highly subjective. They only measure a neural response and do not indicate the actual biologic status of the pulp. It has, therefore, been suggested that vitality tests such as flowmetry, pulse oximetry, thermometry, and photoplethysmography be used. Some research has been done on these systems; however, their high costs and space need to maintain all of them that have been obstacles to their use.
Technique: This report describes designing and manufacturing a novel system for evaluating pulp vitality involving the use of three methods (flowmetry, pulse oximetry, and thermometry) combined in a single small system using only two probes.
Conclusion: The consolidated pulp tests system may be accurate in determining the pulp vitality. However, after clinical use, some changes may be necessary for improvement of the system.
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