Citation Information :
Vanka A, Vishwakarma SK, Bhat MK, Vanka S, Khan AA. Osteo/odontogenic Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells with Platelet-rich Plasma and Mineral Trioxide Aggregate. J Contemp Dent Pract 2019; 20 (10):1171-1178.
Aim: Aim of the study was to investigate the effect of PRP and MTA individually and combined on in vitro human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells’ (MSCs) proliferation and osteo/odontogenic differentiation potential.
Materials and methods: MSCs were cultured in vitro with MTA, 5% PRP, 10% PRP, MTA with 5%PRP, and MTA with 10% PRP. Fetal calf serum (FCS) was used as control. Cell viability and proliferative efficiency were tested with cell adhesion and MTT assay. Osteo/odontogenic differentiation was assessed and quantified with alizarin red staining.
Results: MTA alone, MTA with 5% PRP, and MTA with 10% PRP showed significantly high proliferation at day 7 and 14 when compared to the control group. Enhanced differentiation and the highest calcium deposition was observed in MTA with the 10% PRP group.
Conclusion: Within limitations of the in vitro environment, results imply an increased proliferation and induction of MSCs into osteo/odontogenic differentiation by the combination rather than a mere sealing of PRP by MTA.
Clinical significance: PRP and MTA have the potential for true regeneration of the pulp tissue. Moreover, the combination of PRP and MTA can be utilized to expand the MSCs to generate adequate numbers for clinical applications, without xenogenic contamination.
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