Citation Information :
AIshammery SA. Evaluation of Light Activation on In-office Dental Bleaching: A Systematic Review. J Contemp Dent Pract 2019; 20 (11):1355-1360.
Aim: This review was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of light activation on in-office dental bleaching in terms of color change and photosensitivity with available literature evidence.
Materials and methods: The articles were searched from MEDLINE/Pubmed and Journal of Web, which were published from 2001 to 2019.
Results: Out of the 124 references obtained, 13 articles in English language were read in full, which fulfilled the inclusion criteria.
Conclusion: Light activation of hydrogen peroxide on in-office dental bleaching does not affect effectiveness of bleach.
Clinical significance: Though claimed that in-office bleaching activated with light betters color change, the present review did not confirm this belief.
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