Citation Information :
Tran V, Dinh TN, Yoon TY. A Comparison of Dentin Tubule Occlusion Properties of Dipotassium Oxalate against Potassium Nitrate: An In Vitro Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2020; 21 (2):119-123.
Aim: The aim of this study is to compare the efficacy of dipotassium oxalate and potassium nitrate to occlude dentinal tubules. Materials and methods: This study utilized Parkinson model of longitudinal dentin tubule occluding properties of dentifrices under a 4-day acid challenge. Dentin disks of approximately 1.5 mm thick were sectioned from the crowns of the freshly extracted molars. The disks were randomized into three sets of 15 and treated with dipotassium oxalate, potassium nitrate, or used as a control. The disks were then subjected to a 4-day acid challenge and evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results: On days 1, 2, and 3, dipotassium oxalate showed significant occlusion of dentinal tubules. On day 4, no significant difference was observed between dipotassium oxalate and potassium nitrate. Both test groups showed better occlusion properties in comparison to the control. Conclusion: Through the use of a 4-day acid challenge, this study demonstrates that both agents can indeed occlude dentinal tubules. Initially, dipotassium oxalate does occlude dentinal tubules faster than potassium nitrate. However, at the conclusion of the acid challenge, minimal differences were observed in occlusion rate among the two agents. Further studies should be conducted to determine the efficacy of these two agents. Clinical significance: Both dipotassium oxalate and potassium nitrate can help treat patients with dentinal hypersensitivity.
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