Quality of Fixed Dental Prostheses and Associated Biological Complications in a Saudi Population
Raghad A Al-Dabbagh
Citation Information :
Al-Dabbagh RA. Quality of Fixed Dental Prostheses and Associated Biological Complications in a Saudi Population. J Contemp Dent Pract 2020; 21 (10):1130-1136.
Aim: The interrelationships between dental prostheses, abutments, and supporting periodontal tissue are dynamic. Clinical studies assessing the quality and associated complications of fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) in the Saudi population are scarce. The aims of this project were to assess the location and accuracy of marginal adaptation and proximal contact quality of FDPs provided by dentists in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and to assess the impact of these factors on the health of the periodontium and caries susceptibility. Materials and methods: This retrospective cohort study collected demographic, dental, and social history data from patients with FDPs. Fixed dental prostheses quality was assessed using the United States Public Health Service Criteria, and periodontal health indices were measured. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. Logistic and multiple linear regression analyses were performed to assess predictors of caries risk and periodontal disease, respectively. Results: Sixty-two patients with 62 FDPs were assessed. The mean patient age was 32.45 ± 9.0 (19–61) years with a male-to-female ratio of 3:1. On the assessment, 74.2% had marginal discrepancy, 54.8% had subgingival margins, 22.6% had open or tight proximal contacts, and 8.1% had marginal caries. Well-adapted margins promoted periodontal health, and inadequate proximal contact increased the risk of marginal caries. Conclusion: This study suggests that 26% of FDPs provided by dental practitioners in the Western province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, were of high marginal fit and proximal contact quality. Clinical significance: Constructing FDPs with high-quality marginal fit and proximal contact promotes periodontal health and reduces caries risk, thereby improving FDP outcome.
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