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VOLUME 21 , ISSUE 11 ( November, 2020 ) > List of Articles


Conservative Ultrathin Veneer Restorations with Minimal Reduction: A 5-year Follow-up Report

Nicholas G Fischer, Firas Mourad, Jose Villalobos-Tinoco

Citation Information : Fischer NG, Mourad F, Villalobos-Tinoco J. Conservative Ultrathin Veneer Restorations with Minimal Reduction: A 5-year Follow-up Report. J Contemp Dent Pract 2020; 21 (11):1293-1297.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10024-2946

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 01-05-2021

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2020; The Author(s).


Aim and objective: This case report shows how a feldspathic veneer with diagnostic wax-ups, subsequent mock-up, and reduction guides can lead to good patient esthetics and reports a 5-year follow-up. Background: Conservative tooth preparation is important for the long-term success of adhesive dentistry as it has been shown that bonding to enamel is more predictable in obtaining better long-term success than dentin. To preserve enamel for optimal bonding, diagnostic wax-ups and the subsequent mock-up are the first tools in a restorative dentist's arsenal to find and address differences between current and ideal tooth proportions and also help toward an overall conservative approach. Reduction guides are recommended in order to provide adequate tooth reduction and prevent over-reduction. Case description: This case report shows a 5-year follow-up of feldspathic veneer restorations for a patient with excessive space among teeth, defective composite restorations on facial and incisal surfaces, and worn teeth. Veneers were delivered with conservative tooth preparation combining different tooth reduction guides. Conclusion: This case report highlights the added benefits of tooth reduction guides and diagnostic wax-ups and the subsequent mock-up for long-term patient satisfaction. Clinical significance: Conservative tooth preparation, reduction guides, and wax-ups may increase the life span of veneer restorations and demonstrate good esthetics at 5 years.

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