Aim: This clinical technique report aimed to describe a composite resin repair technique performed in an implant-supported prosthesis. Background: Veneering ceramic fracture or chipping is one of the most frequent clinical failures in dentistry. Therefore, the use of less time- and cost-consuming ceramic repair techniques is helpful in clinical practice. Technique: Briefly, to treat the ceramic surface, the glaze was removed at the margins of the fracture area, then, air-abrasion and acid-etching were performed. To promote chemical adhesion, a silane coupling agent and adhesive system were applied over the ceramic surface, and the composite resin was applied by incremental technique. Finally, the polish was performed. Conclusion: In conclusion, the applied composite resin repair of feldspathic porcelain chipping in implant-supported prosthesis was a simple, easy, affordable, and minimally invasive treatment. Clinical significance: The causes of veneer materials failures in metal-ceramic crowns are considered a challenge for the dentist and a problem that displeases patients. Repairs are indicated to prevent cracks from spreading and to prevent the accumulation of biofilm on the damaged surface. Therefore, different repair protocols have been proposed to enhance the esthetic, functionality, and longevity of the implant-supported prosthesis. Additionally, the success of the clinical cases depends on the capability to identify ceramic failures and the ability to indicate/perform the correct repair protocol. Since the described repair technique of the fractured screw-retained implant-supported prosthesis was a simple, easy, affordable, and minimally invasive treatment, with excellent esthetic and masticatory results, it represents an interesting clinical option.
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