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VOLUME 22 , ISSUE 3 ( March, 2021 ) > List of Articles


Evaluation of Dental Crowding and Spacing in Relation to Tooth Size and Arch Dimensions in a Sample of Sudanese Adults

Raja AbdAlgadir Mustafa, Amal Hussein Abuaffan

Citation Information : Mustafa RA, Abuaffan AH. Evaluation of Dental Crowding and Spacing in Relation to Tooth Size and Arch Dimensions in a Sample of Sudanese Adults. J Contemp Dent Pract 2021; 22 (3):253-258.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10024-3065

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 27-01-2021

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2021; Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.


Aims and objectives: This study aimed to compare tooth size and arch dimensions between normal, crowded, and spaced groups in a Sudanese sample. Material and methods: A sample of 312 university students, were selected and divided into normal, crowded, and spaced groups. Each group included 104 students with equal males to females ratios. Age was ranged from 16 to 26 years. Mesiodistal (MD) tooth width of all teeth (except molars), arch perimeters, and dimension at the level of intercanine, interpremolar, and intermolar were measured for each group. ANOVA and student t-test were performed for the comparison between groups. Results: The MD dimensions of all teeth are greater in crowded arches as compared to the teeth in normal dental arches, except for the width of the maxillary, left second premolar in females, and mandibular left second premolar in male. Spaced arches were presented with significantly smaller MD width in all teeth when compared to normal arches, except for the width of maxillary right second premolar, maxillary left first premolar, mandibular right and left second premolars in female, and maxillary right second premolar in male. Crowded arches exhibit the largest total tooth material followed by normal and spaced dentition. Spaced arches show the widest arch dimension and perimeters followed by normal and crowded dentitions. Conclusions: Both tooth size and arch dimensions contribute to dental crowding and spacing. Clinical relevance: Since the size of the teeth and dental arches affect the space availability of the dentition. These factors should be considered in the initial stages of orthodontic treatment planning to avoid compromised treatment outcomes.

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